*OPEN Audition Notices*
As a community based theatre, we invite you to audition for the volunteer opportunities below. ​________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Theatre Jacksonville and Florida Theatre
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
The Broadway Musical in Concert
At the Florida Theatre
Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Book by Burt Shevelove and Larry Gelbart
The lead role of Pseudolus will be played by a guest star to be announced.
Directed by Jean Tait
Musical Director and Conductor: Joey Chancey
Choral Director: Jay Ivey
Choreographer: Curtis Williams
Stage Manager: Ron Shreve
Performance dates: August 23, 2025 at 7:30pm
August 24, 2025 at 2:00pm
Audition Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025
Time: 10:00 am
Place: Theatre Jacksonville
2032 San Marco Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32207
We will be auditioning for available character roles and a Choral Ensemble.
Auditions will be cold readings from the script, as well as vocal auditions. Please prepare 16-32 bars of a classic musical theatre number. Sheet music only. An accompanist will be provided. No recorded accompaniment permitted.
We will begin with vocal auditions at 10:00 am followed by readings.
The Courtesans are Tintinabula, Panacea, The Geminae (Twin Courtesans), Vibrata, and Gymnasia
Please wear dance attire or fitted clothing and character heels. The audition will consist of one to two combinations from the show that will not exceed one (1) minute in length in total. Time will be given for a brief warm-up, but please come prepared to and ready to dance. The call is for dance ONLY. If you wish to sing, please arrive in time to sign up for the early portion of vocal auditions that will begin at 10:00am.
Time commitment for Cast Characters with dialogue will be August 16 – 24.
The Chorus will have separate rehearsals prior to August 17 when they will join the full cast rehearsals.
Choral rehearsal dates to be announced.
Scheduled Rehearsals are as follows:
Saturday August 16, daytime: Cast characters with dialogue and vocals.
The afternoon of Sunday August 17: Full cast including chorus.
Rehearsals at The Florida Theatre: The evenings of August 18 -22: Full Cast
There will be additional chorus rehearsals scheduled prior to production week that will be determined after auditions.
About the Production:
This “in concert” production presented at the Florida Theatre will feature a full orchestra of 25 musicians on stage, and up to 30 chorus members standing behind the orchestra, and the principal cast members downstage in front of the orchestra. The principal cast members will be in concert dress, with props and costume touches.
The Plot:
One of Broadway's greatest farces, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, is light, fast-paced, witty, irreverent and one of the funniest musicals ever written. The show takes comedy back to its roots, combining situations from time-tested, 2000-year-old comedies of Roman playwright, Plautus, with the infectious energy of classic vaudeville. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum is a nonstop laugh fest in which Pseudolus, a crafty slave, struggles to win the hand of a beautiful, but slow-witted, courtesan named Philia for his young master, Hero, in exchange for freedom. The plot twists and turns with cases of mistaken identity, slamming doors and a showgirl or two. This unforgettable, hysterical musical allows a terrific ensemble of comedic actors to shine – "something for everyone, a comedy tonight!"
The original 1962 production won six Tony Awards, including Best Musical, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Book, and Best Director. The score was Sondheim's first Broadway production for which he wrote both music and lyrics.
Available Roles:
An old man and father to Hero and husband to Domina.
Gender: male
Age: 45 to 70
Vocal range top: G4
Vocal range bottom: B2
The young son of Senex and Domina. He falls in love with Philia and agrees to give
Pseudolus his freedom if he can help Hero woo her. Practical, privileged, romantic.
Gender: male
Age: 20 to 30
Vocal range top: G4
Vocal range bottom: B2
The chief slave in the House of Senex. Believes he is in control, but is actually Pseudolus' puppet to carry out his schemes. Anxious, conservative, loyal. He desperately wants everything to be in order.
Gender: male
Age: 40 to 55
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: D4
An old man, searching for his lost children.
Gender: male
Age: 45 to 70
Vocal range top: G4
Vocal range bottom: B2
Miles Gloriosus
The archetype of the braggart soldier. A captain in the Roman army to whom Marcus Lycus has promised Philia. Commanding, boastful, manly and strong.
Gender: male
Age: 25 to 45
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: B3
The owner of the house of Courtesans. Always out to make a profit, but also wants to provide good on what his business offers.
Gender: male
Age: 40 to 55
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: A3
A virgin in the House of Lycus whom we also find out is Erronius' daughter. She is promised to Miles and vows to give him bodily what he has paid for, but loves Hero and promises he will always have her heart. Young, pretty, devoted. An archetypal ingénue.
Gender: female
Age: 20 to 30
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: B3
Courtesans, Proteans, Soldiers
*There are several incidental speaking characters, some of whom will be played by members of the Ensemble. These parts will be cast from the open audition.
In reference to our audition notices:
Most characters we encounter currently are on the binary and are written with he/him or she/her pronouns, and you will see that in the descriptions we provide. However limiting the descriptions are, our casting seeks to be as inclusive as possible, and we invite gender non-conforming, genderqueer, transgender, and non-binary actors to submit for the roles they most identify with. We will also list race/ethnicity when specific to the character but are otherwise seeking all races and ethnicities. It is the policy of Theatre Jacksonville that all auditions are open to the public. All interested people, newcomers and stage veterans alike, are welcome. We are also in need of volunteers to assist in other areas of production, including set construction, set artwork, lighting, and backstage technical activities and invite all members of the public to participate in these activities as well.
If you are unable to attend or there are no current auditions scheduled, you can always submit a headshot and resume to anytime.