In honor and appreciation of the role our treasured patrons have played over our 100 years, Theatre Jacksonville has established giving levels beginning at only $50. See our updated donor list in our playbills.
Gifts received between 11.1.2022-10.31.2023
The City of Jacksonville
The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida
The Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville
The Delores Barr Weaver Forever Event Fund Est. 2015
The DuBow Family Foundation
The Elizabeth Brown Foundation
Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs
The Jessie Ball duPont Fund
John D. Baker III
Nancy Chartrand Advised Fund
The Harold K. Smith Playhouse Endowment
In Memory of Brad Trowbridge
Michael Ward & Jennifer Glock Foundation
The Weaver Family Foundation

Your commitment to our success is essential. Make a charitable, tax-deductible donation today to help Theatre Jacksonville continue to share our vision as a community partner and an invaluable learning and entertainment resource for adults and youth alike.
You have played an important role in our audience.
We now invite you to join the Theatre Jacksonville donor family who brings theatre to life
in the heart of San Marco.
CLICK to contribute today!
Delegal & Poindexter P.A.
Michael Killea & Sandra Staudt-Killea
RS&H Elevate Fund
The Thomas M. & Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Trust
Underwood's Jewelers
Glenda Anthony
Karen & Matt Carlucci
Patricia & Norman Foy
Jean Grant-Dooley
Ann Tiefenthaler & Marc Jackson
Jennifer & Dwayne Leach
Kristen & Thomas Majdanics Fund
Jennifer A. Mansfield
Philip & Lisa Pelle
R. Michael Richards
Jean Tait
The Together Community Fund
In memory of Eileen Goldman
In memory of Gary Swallow
Norman & Ann Anderson
Mike Bohaning
Bonnie K. Brady
Patricia & Gregory Cloud
Keith & Molly Davidson
Emily & Chad Dawkins
Molly & Keith Davidson
Emily & Chad Dawkins
Julie Delegal
Sondie & John Frus
Fionnuala Geoghegan
Leah & JD Goryl
Jean Grant-Dooley
Holly & Redgie Gutshall
Melody & TR Hainline
Pat & Wayne Hogan
Warren Keene
Jennifer & Dwayne Leach
Rosemary McCorkle
Linda & Philip K. McEnery
Sandra Myers
Eileen Phelps
Laura Jane & Buck Pittman
Debra & Randell Poirier
Lesley Roberts
Dawn & Bob Robison
Davarian Rousseau
Aubrey & Austin Sherman
Linda & Michael Smalline
Dianna Smith
Mary Tappouni
Verna Urbanski
The Vukota Family
Richard & Bonnie White
Bill White
Janet & Chris Allen
Karen Allen
Jennifer Anderson
Alex Arce & Deirdre Lahey
Tony Atkins
Barbara & John Barker
Beverly Barrs
Deborah Baumgarten
George Bennett
Judy & Larry Brazile
Barbara Brown
Donna Brownley
Arden Brugger
Kati Brundage
Jeanne Maron & Howard Caplan
Nancy Carey
Lora Christl
Emory Churness
Jean Coker
Maureen Cullum
Linda & Thomas Culverwell
Erika Kleppinger & David Dawson
Lynda Dupes
Nancy & Spence Edwards
Don & Donna Fisher
Ben Frick
Susan Richards & Roy Fuller
Donna Jean Garrett
Anne Gillespy
Kimberly Gilliam
Linda & Matt Godek
Sherra & Charles Grabill
Diane Hale
Helen Rowan & Paul Halloran
Joan & Warren Healey
Victoria Helow
Carolyn Hinckley
Judith Israel
Mae Johnson
Cathy Jones
Gale & Timothy Keeley
Margaret Barton & Tom Kimbrough
Michelle Kindy
Matt King
Theresa & Daniel Lahey
Robin & Gerie
Shawn & Circe LeNoble
Susan & Wayne Letizia
Ms. Diane Knauer Ludwig
Elaine Sullivan & Robert Mandzi
Penny & Jeff Marks
Janice & David Martin
Patricia Mierse
Dawn & Chris O'Connor
M. Gloria Pepe
Marilyn & Jack Perkins
John & Anne Petersen
Sally & Johnny Pettegrew
Toni Philips
Carole & Al Poindexter
Robin & Marco Rand
Dora Rhodes
Alice Schill
Monique Schrader
Stephen Shewbrooks
Susan Speicher
Nelle Stokes
Claudette Thornell
Sandi Tucker
Adele Vespa
Gloria & John Ware
Vicki & Ed Zoller
Sponsorship Levels
To TITLE sponsor our classic or any of our mainstage shows and education programs, please contact Sarah Boone at for details and benefits.
Playbill Advertising
Partner with Theatre Jacksonville, one of America's oldest continually producing community theatres. Advertising with Theatre Jacksonville exposes your business to a loyal, educated, cultured, and affluent audience while aligning your brand with what has been called "one of the best community theatres in the U.S." Our ad packages are available at a fraction of the cost of a small one-time ad in the local papers and run throughout each of our five productions giving your business a full year of exposure (advertisements may also be purchased for single productions).
As you advertise, you'll also be contributing to Jacksonville's renowned community theatre as it presents another compelling season of fine entertainment to a broad spectrum of theatergoers. Your ad demonstrates your appreciation of the arts as well as support for one of the nation's oldest continually producing community theatres.
Every season since 1919, Theatre Jacksonville has been committed to bringing engaging live theatre to the First Coast. Our two previous seasons have seen an increase of 20% in ticket sales alone. Advertise now and be a part of the excitement.
To place your ad, download our advertiser's package (pdf) and return the order form with your check or credit card to Theatre Jacksonville, 2032 San Marco Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL 32207. Contact Michelle Kindy, our General Manager, at 904.396.4425 for more information or to learn about our pro-rated rates.
In-Kind Donations
Theatre Jacksonville accepts in-kind donations for use on-stage, behind the scenes, or in our administrative offices. Goods, services, products, expertise and equipment will help us continue to produce high-quality theatre. To discuss in-kind donations or for further information, please contact the theatre.